Metal groups on Reddit
I love Waylon's red outfit from the Savior Sorrow era, even his black version is badass
What the hell was that you little freckle face cartoon? Did I give you permission to sneeze, Opie?
What’s the worst thing that’s happened to you during a session?
What a fraud
How would r/Korn rate this era of Korn from best to worst?
The Prestige won Man vs Man. Next, what movie is Man vs God?
My KoЯn cd collection
I'm just gonna let them have their fun....I won't do of them is new
What am I supposed to do with these???
I mean, I guess the movie could be considered a superhero origin story, but do you consider The Crow a superhero?
Are there viable mono red commanders that have strategies beyond straight burn?
We don't even learn the names of the people who actually killed Eric and Shelly, and Eric only kills two of the people who actually killed him, plus one he killed on accident.
Mosh pit is going to be wild
Doing my second play through and I can’t believe a main discourse was that she was “ugly”
Is there a way to tease a black hair wig to look like 90s JD from Korn?
We can all agree this is the worst monster in Wilds right?
Wes talks about him and Fred’s differences, also tells an early story
r/Korn help me come up with a KoRn cover band name!
Decks you didn't build or had to retire because the play experience of playing against them would be awful.
Feel like I don’t hear much about this one.
Blank card in zombie precon?
Provide a review - up to 3 words only
What is your all time favorite ride from either park?
The crow comics