IWTL how to stay awake.
Tell me your favorite song!
Any recommendations?
Who you giving aux to except we all listen to music together
Songs that give off this vibe
What Anime would you recommend me?
Who you passing the aux too
Favorite album or artist
Rate my music taste. Be harsh.
I believe there is a creator but no afterlife
which one of my friends has the better music taste?
Favorite musician
I believe there is a creator but no afterlife, or I am my own god.
I have no clue if I even align with any religious structure anymore
guess my age and gender or whateva 𖤐
Tell me your favorite album here and your favorite song from it
albums with vibes like these three?
What song would you vibe to here?
What song first comes to mind?
What 10/10 anime had you like this?
What song comes to mind?