Snow White no longer shows up in the bottom 100 worst rated movies, despite a 1.7 rating. Just a coincidence guys...
The IMDB rating is lower than Battlefield Earth. Is the movie really this bad?
Man up elliot your one of us now.
One of the few respectful people working in entertainment today.
Wokies won't support any content JK Rowling related, regular fans across the board don't support the casting decision. Who exactly is the series appealing to?
Let's take a moment to appreciate the only good Disney Live Action movie.
What did you enjoy/liked about the sequels? (Be for real)
The most bad faith argument for leftwing propaganda in RPG games:
What is the most overrated movie to win Best Picture at the Oscars?
It's their default setting
Still think RoP is a great show 🙄?
I will never get over the fact that Arcane fans practically BEGGED Riot to make Jayce and Viktor canonically gay from the beginning. Can't two guys just be friends?!!!
Jesus, What happened to Millie Bobbie Brown?! She's only 21
Evil greedy corporation rules the world, humans were the villains all along, war is bad, technology is no replacement for real life. This movie was 100% written by AI.
Cool man, I'm sure she wants to bang you now.
I've seen liberals brag about pop culture properties taking their side when it comes to politics, but these same properties tend to be massive flops across the board.
What made you a fan of Star Wars?
Who was right in watchmen?
Glad to see leftists always being the tolerant/moral people...
When I'm in a cringe competition and my opponent is a game journalist:
You’ll never guess which person got cast as Snape
We can't wait for a Reva TV show, right lads?
MoDeRn wRiTiNg
TL;DR The far-left politics at my job (TV/Film studio) make me want to quit