setting up triggers (read for more context...)
Crazy snipe I forgot about just HIT✋️😏✋️
Most brain dead Ace ever and my whole team left me. After I got home from work and smoke some weed. Decide to hop on quick match because I was too high. Yes excuse my aim I know it's insanely bad.
Can someone tell me why he hasn’t toured in Australia ??
Im done with this job search shit
Siege X closed beta is terrible.
I, (3 week player) pulled a knife and my friend, (7 year player no knives) wasn't happy
Siege X Veteran Rewards & Badges
Any players from OG release come back to the game recently? Would appreciate your thoughts
What do you dislike about twitch?
tik tok creator stealing peeps flow?
If I want to get renown fast. What mode is the best?
My time to flex a good celebration pack opening!
What am I looking at?
Is racer 33 for glaz rare?
Packed obsidian
Store manager yelling at employees on shop floor
Is this legit ?
Account reovery
I just drop Racer 04 and Onami, need ur opinion
how much would these racers skins sell for when (or if) they come to the marketplace?
Get off your phone
Celebration Packs
Noo wayy
Venting quickly, but I got my content stolen AGAIN by the same guy.