How did you meet your boyfriends?
what is wrong with cis people
is genderGP any good??
Super afraid of testosterone but miserable not transitioning.
Trans men getting sexually harassed
What excuse can I make up if my parents found out I bought trans tape
Bathroom Protests
What made you trans? Wrong answers only.
We need better.
So pissed off
Could I ask my GP to refer me for a hysterectomy?
Finally took the plunge and joined some trans groups IRL and online...
Hot take
Is it just me or is the gargantuan kinda cute?
Since Subnautica 2 is so close now. Apart from the obvious stuff like larger deeper ocean, silent protagonist etc. What are your NEEDS for the game. Something that NEEDS to be in the game for you specifically?
What is a normal dose of testogel?
Like my seemoth name?
Is trans-misandry real or just a myth?
Someone stole my toys
For the men who have already transitioned
Any trans mascs know where to get good packing underwear?
Are there more guys here that dont need/want bottom surgery?
“You’ll look like your dad on T, not a cute twink!” Shut up
If "transfem culture" is stereotypically programming/cat ears/blahaj/thigh highs, what's "transmasc culture"?