me running through black gulch for the 100th time
I'm sorry I had to
Random payday 2 enemies alingment chart according to their behavior towards the player (imo)
Why so much hate about DS2? The memes are funny, but sometimes, its just straight up hate to a game that is literally just different
A very high quality representation of my jade eximus visual addition idea
thoughts about faceoff?
Unfortunately, warframe wasn't nominated to best ongoing game on TGA.
Just lost a game at Master and Ranked up to Grandmaster...
I feel like I’m leveling up faster
so long suckers! i rev up my motorcylce and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement
Which souls game was the hardest to 100%?
well this is awkward
Who are you adopting from the pet store ?
Giving credit where credit is due, this game has the coolest criticals in the trilogy
my brain is rot
I really like how diverse and creative DS2's boss arenas are
Fucking Tendo, am i right fellow Kyodais?
We had a whole plot about burning the thorns to enter this gateway which specifically blocked the entrance to Enir Ilim yet after burning the tree we just get teleported directly inside instead of going back here to enter the city. They made a whole entrance and proper hallway to enter the city.
What's your DS2 hot take?
Reading the new Elden Ring patch notes and just... Thank you Ninja Kiwi for actually writing patch notes that are useful.
Shugoki shrinks with the new execution. Does this happen often with certain heroes?
As a main that has been playing since y1s1, give me my respect back for doing cool deflect combos.
Guys, I've got my first australium weapon :D