Anyone else just love seeing StarCraft mentioned in the strangest places?
Lambo calling out reddit zerg whiners
Hard work, dedication, and the right mindset is the key to improvement
For a 15 year old game, the fact that a) Serral, MaxPax, and Clem are undisputed champions of their races and b) they're each competitive with one another is an astonishing feat of game design and balance.
How Zerg players feel after laddering
Amazing micro moments like these are what keeps me hooked on professional SC2
GM Stats show Protoss is finally playable race. Thank you balance council!
Berry Crunch may have been a victim of viewbotting
Be careful what you ask for
Zerg changes this patch have made this game beyond broken for Terran/Protoss.
is Clem the new Protoss hope?
Request: Need help finding an old series with Idra vs Protoss, post-rage quit era. Hydra Drops
2 more games to go RIP
Rotti confirms EWC
Zerg has been the lagging race in GM for the last 5 years
We have reached peak starcraft level. 33.19% of all matches played on the pro scene in the past 11 days was PvP.
Skillous busts out CARRIER MOTHERSHIP to take a game off Clem
Heromarine's new secret to beat protoss
Should more tournaments add DEI for Zerg players?
GSL still taking money on patreon
Can anybody explain why there is no SC2 at Katowice this year?
Proposal to ban X links
Ghost suits
Patch has definitely fix turtling
Unpopular Opinion: The patch DID NOT nerf protoss like widely claimed