Red Zone Broly & Omega beaten with 5 Saibamen [Done by Dokkan World]
Goku & Frieza Supreme Magnificent Battle beaten with 4 Saibamen [Done by Dokkan World]
Do you think the 10th anni teaser playing GT's "Dan Dan" soundtrack means anything?
4 Goku celebration? LMAO
10th Anniversary is the perfect time to give us a unit that has the flexibility of Potara Fusion or Fusion Dance
2024 was such a good year for EZAs
These 10th year ads are just characters who can't wait anymore and just want something to come sooner. [They aren't clues to the theme of the anni]
For those wondering what happened to Jiren
What ATK stats do the 10th year units need to gap the game the same way the 7th years did when they first came out?
I love that SZ devs saw how much Dokkan players wanted Cooler to join the Universe 7 team - so they decided to actually make it happen
The only correct answer for the 10th Anniversary
10th anni would be the perfect time to introduce a new rarity
How high do you think the 10th anniversary units ATK stats will be?
Did the devs just forget that INT types are a thing?
The new Warrior in Black is better than we thought (his passive is worded very poorly)
Really liking that extra bit that the devs threw in
Prediction for SDBH unit animations
What is going on with these devs right now? 😂
Remember when they randomly made the Halloween DokkanFest insanely hype?
I'm not saying 10th anni is definitely Fusions, but their moves quite literally make a 10
Tory leadership frontrunners have strong links to Israel
The JPN community voted tier list is wild
The "We Saiyans have no limits" meme has no limits
Prediction for the 10th Anniversary Unit
At the rate we're going, this man's SEZA will be a generational event