Why is Kennedy getting the year off?
How do I professionally say “I did not attend as the meeting was scheduled outside my set work hours”?
How to professionally say if it doesn’t affect my performance why does it matter?
This made me lol
What’s the point?
Glam Photo on Horse Semen ✅
What types of conformation things do you look for in foals?
Dallas’ registered name
Walter's String Test March '25
Yes Officer this comment right here..
Dallas's leg
Was Kennedy bred to her uncle??
The Early Demise of AQHA Performance Horses 😢
Conformation Question
Phoebes baby
Katie finally handling her audience??
Mare sedation
Pulling foals, what are all the things that could go wrong for both mare and foal?
My thoughts on back to back breeding
About that Foaling Kit …. Yes, SNARK Incoming
Kultie delusion at its finest