Asking the men in here….how much does a girls body count really matter?
Asking the guys… how much does a girls body count really matter?
Talking to all men….
Talking to all men
I want him back so bad it’s embarrassing
I still want him back….whats new
The thought of my ex makes me feel like I’m dying
What have you learned from your break up?
Does anyone not *want* to move on?
How true is "Men ALWAYS come back?"
Should I Block My Ex from My Stories or Just Let It Be?
I guess I just really want him back….
I guess I just really want him back…
Do they always come back
How could he just discard me like that? Taking to all the men out here…
Was it really that easy for my ex to discard me
A question for those who had a healthy breakup
For the Men Who Broke Up with Their Girlfriends—Do You Ever Regret It?
Do You Ever Regret It? For the Men Who Broke Up with Their Girlfriends
Why do y’all download hinge seconds after breaking up? >:(
Right person wrong time?