Can we stop telling people they arent christian for voting for trump?
Will the NIV Bible work or should I use nkjv
Pray for me.
What is your most treasured possession?
Niv 2011,NKJV or King James version
What’s a food you hated as a kid but now love as an adult?
Holy Shit I Won
Niv NKJV or King James version witch is best for study?
Is King James version the best translation
I was a former atheist
What are must dos in your day to day practice?
How many Bible versions do you have?
I love my bud
What made you happy today?
AITA for barring an acquaintance from my house after he eats most of the pizza I ordered and was ungrateful for it?
App won't let me continue watching
Is the old testament worth reading
Is Dimarini worth the money
His name is Wallace I hear his voice constantly
What are the Worst/ best addictions?
Day one! I am excited for all the mental and physical health benefits that come with being a non-smoker. Hang in there everyone we got this!
As a Christian do you have to read the Bible does God require it
Your nudes just got leaked. What’s your response?
What do you prefer?