For the last post I've done.
Is not even a lvl 999 boss. How I am suppose to defeat this thing??
Found prime but how
Which one is better to have?
Requesting the developer to pls make it easy to catch 8-5 rank cero ..
Prime Creo
Missing 3 items
Is it intended that purple capes turn your Creo invulnerable?
Longevity of game
Gold chests
Too much grinding , it's not worth it :( the stats are not that much greater at higher stars (they are at high levels though)
how to learn hop and crush? where? plz
prime creo
How this thing doesn't evolve? Seriously?
How can I reach that place? I think there is a prime creo there.
Only new Octo-Evolution! Is this good for the rest of us?
Please say we get running shoes!?
New Unit revealed: Shift Mauna.
Tot fire enemies
Dr Stone rerun soon?
😮💨 I don't like the way devs are cutting story stages. At the start of season 2 I recall having more than 2 stages with more than only two waves. This is kinda boring and a crystal drought
I'm having a certain bug since the start of version 5.3
New Unit & Ark: New Year's Kynei and UR Tsukuyomi.