I do not love my husband
How to navigate or forget this proposal
Polygamy (4 wives) - Response to men
This popped up on my feed! Someone send this to Danish bhai! Well who am I kidding?! He is incorrigible!
Meet up culture
Polygamy (4 marriages)
How Pakistani women view Boyfriends/Lovers vs Husbands
A warning to all Muslim women about divorced men, from a divorced woman.
I've Seen So Many Reddit Posts About This and I'm Sad…
Hiring Home Chef at F10 Islamabad
Who else hate Mullahs?
I will lose 40000 in unverified accounts
How Rishta Culture Cost Me Over 70,000!!! 😭
Is it possible to find a wife with no past relationships/situationships these days?
To all the haters
Isb: appropriate way of making connections on LinkedIn
How many of you have tried trading and have been successful at it?
Consumed by What Once Was: Just an avg person from islamabad
Should I block Her
I’m trying to get married and my parents are refusing. HELP
Potential ignored me for the sake of Allah?
Marriage as an escape
100 dead? Massacre? Isb
Islamabad Resumes Normalcy After PTI Protest Called Off
Your Nikah is coming. Your Income is coming. Have sabr. Have faith.