My sliver of pizza that I cut when nobody is in the kitchen
Do most philosophers not believe in the simulation theory because of science/ technological limits?
Decline your admits
I recreated the intro to Friends but made all the characters Frasier. Introducing FRANDS.
Where to buy "Great books of the Western World"?
Bad at math but starting a psych degree in September
"Bill to ban THC in Texas passes Senate in bipartisan vote" (still needs to go to house vote WRITE YOUR REPS!)
i know i sound like a baby ass bitch rn but, i need genuine help with this. i'm a vegetarian and my biggest fear is rodents, but i really need to step up and apply for a lab at my uni that uses animal models (mice to be specific).
The end of SoD?
Why do people say Masters programs are Cash cows? Are grapes sour?
Finally got a new bookshelf!
Which RPG has the best wizard/mage gameplay?
Why Are the Logan Theater Screens So Dim?
Would You Support an Independent Film Adaptation of The Stranger?
Looking at my username is cheating, who am I?
"One must imagine a motor protein happy"
I hosted my non-vegan in laws for 2 weeks, here’s what we ate
ID Help!
Found cat
is Ralph Waldo Emerson popular in philosophy?
This is exactly how I imagine Kendrick fans
For the first time in my life I am regretting my BA in psychology
The 🎀𝐵𝑅𝒜𝒩𝒟 𝒩𝐸𝒲🎀 writer's personality test. Which one are you?