I need help from the experts
Anyone 25+ thinking of starting a course for 25/26? Also any specific advice regarding product design?
Trouble in Paradise?
What supplements help with k bladder?
Bad at math but starting a psych degree in September
Ye popping off on X 👀
What is the Most Interesting Case Study You’ve Learned About?
Is owning a house a priority for you anymore?
What’s your dream job/ideal use of your degree?
Are we all mourning our old girl?
CBI/BAU Crossover
Why does every boy have such a big penis?
What is the one show you can rewatch time and time again without getting bored?
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
What is the story with this girl?
If you could only watch one show for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Full time education and Benefits
Have any psych grads been able to use their degree for a job passion outside their degree field?
Should I leave the uk to go to Portugal to be with my family?
Which character do you think suffered the most and why?
What are your opinions on the Kardashians?
I want Hotch so bad. Thanks.
What’s a movie that NOBODY can convince you is good?
If you could have dinner with one of the cast who would it be?
Do you think the cast of Criminal Minds experienced any psychological harm due to the show’s dark and disturbing content?