Update on Rico’s situation
What’s your WEAKEST shiny?
Death to the jingle
Is this a rat or mouse?
Show me your birbs!
What’s your oldest shiny?
Small palate cleanser for your feed ♥️
Does he seem okay to you?
Update from previous post, cigarette covered rescue..
Show me your soggy birds!
I present to you "Baron Von-Beeperts"
coming home to this
Happy 2nd Hatchday to Miyuki!
Our conure only licks his fruits and vegetables but doesn’t bite them. Is that weird?
Please please please ensure you check to see if oven cleaner was used when you move into a new home
BIRD TAX TIME! pay up! I want the cutest and gooberiest photos!
Klaws is matching my Sunday energy
How smart is your conure?
Any guesses?
My cat disappeared inside my tiny apartment
Moist Chicken Monday
She broke the vet’s stethoscope
Lets play!! Yup break those keys
I'll sketch your unusual pets