Got the rarest achievement in Rust last night
I want to have a phone like this by ricebirdmon/Hozumi window voice
Why is there no way to change my character?
Egg+indian firecracker = good time
Xdj-az issue with keys formatting
New "Naval Update" Branch
Me and my hair turned 40 a month ago! Just found your sub :)
Z102.9 Personality Gone??
What is the WORST Pizza Place in the City?
Trying new furnance room designs
The hair closest to the nape of my neck refuses to curl. Do y’all have any tips or routines that help?
What colour would you say my hair was? I always thought it was red but my friend says its more brown?
Downtown Photography, By Me (:
Is wellipets hat the rariest item now?
Should I buy a smart car?
What is this wall plant skin Dust has in his base designs? (it's not a rug I can see in stores)
Another Update on Brutal Arrest (Additional video)
I can only get definition on the bottom of my hair?
Rush Hour
How often are we doing full wash day? Also looking for dry shampoo that you don’t have to wash out because of chalkiness ♥️
What if we could make stone sand wooden culptures of any shape in Rust? Full sandbox creativity. What if we could add ornaments to parts of buildings?
Hair Help
Best build server?
The squad after we successfully defend a raid
Help with Smart 451 Radio Adapter Installation