Even though i haven't watched it, nor plan to, I'm still wondering why did the new Snow White movie get such a low score on IMDb?
Hey, I need to find this cable but i have no idea what its called. Thanks.
Hey everyone, i'd really appreciate some help in building/upgrading my PC. Thanks.
Thoughts on the new Intel CPUs?
It just gets worse and worse.
"Ma'am what are you doing?!"
Two strangers meet to see if they match, on a Dutch TV show. Yes, its real, and yes its wholesome and funny! :)
If social media was a thing back in the day...
Diah Riha-Jones says you cant skip work anymore...
Go ahead, be offended for now. While you still can!
$18 million question
Barney & the Benjamin Franklin civil war loafers.
Daddy's dilating 😂
Walter, what happened? -"BLRURPBLAOPBLEURP"
Ace Ventura in GTA V is better than you could imagine!
All my Greek friends will feel the same way! It's called tzatziki, not teezayteezaykay! Malaka!
Frowning is always the best workout!
That wall jump was totally unnecessary, bro just wanted to show off!
Good ass meatballs!
The most German theme park attraction.
The late great Lecresia Campbell. You knew she was gonna kill it after fixing her blouse!
The greatest mic drop ever!
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
The McFarlands strike again!