Heading to Baker School and scared
Major Airlines Work/Life Ratio
A&P acquired!
Effective Feb 1st
What is your best airmen attic find
Use your BOP
I Discovered X-Mode's Off-roading Limitations the Hard Way
I Discovered the Off-roading Limitations the Hard Way
10 years ago today, my Subaru gave her life to save mine
2001 H6 Outback LL Bean
For the people that are in active duty and love their job, what is your job?
It’s a rather small thing.
EZ30 Rocker cover gasket
Do y'all even subaru anymore?
Enlisted Airmen, did/do you guys have like gaming PCs in your dorms?
Not your typical Outback
How many frames do you normaly get?
Ez36 timing chain tip
Just joined the (family? Gang? Crew?) today
Little updates for 02 Outback
First Gen is Best Gen
Weekend kayak trip
Turns out 20 year old rubber tends to fall apart
How many miles on your Outback?
Forza Motorsport 4 on Steam Deck
Best purchase ever!