Here’s the real answer why Sangwoo didn’t tell Gi Hun about Dalgona. (Based on all evidence of watching the show)
The worst pain
Did sang woo actually care about gi hun?
Do you feel bad for him? Insane how much people hate min-su.
What would you do if you beat the games and won the prize money?
Leon stole Ada’s clothes! (Cosplay by me)
Is it bad that this took me 2-3 hours?
No Matter What Anyone Says, I Will Always Argue That Brian Should Have Lived.
Gems Gems Everywhere Holy Shit Helo
Is There A Way To Change Character Sprite?
well…someone is cheating
what "justified" this game?
Every single new release. Also, empty template for y'all.
Kripke really has problems with hughie. Even before the SA stuff... his writing and response on hughie's season 3 arc was troubling. Bro watched his gf get murderd infront of him and he felt powerless. Stop, hughie disrespect.
What do you dislike about Gi-hun?
Im convinced everyone who voted Sang-woo is under the age of 12
Been Told Transplant isn't possible because its thinning but not missing and I could benefit from PRP, thoughts?
I don't get people who want this in the "remake"
Am I the only one who finds her attractive?
Best strategy for "Mingle" from Squid Game:
Why would Krillin use an instant kill move during a sparing session???
Off topic - Why do u prefer Oblivion over Morrowind?
Which one is it ?🤔
Ok it’s happening…
Pokémon Emerald Seaglass Version 3.0 is out NOW!