We tried a new beach and we weren't disappointed!
Great little heart agate from the beach today
Spend more time on the skins than the road (Hot Pursuit Remastered)
Ralph's hiding egg prices behind stickers
How many of you have a second or beater car to reduce mileage?
Got a cool new livery!
So now, I can get those lowering springs
What profession is useless and provides no benefit to society?
Is A CostCo Membership Worth It For A Single Person In LA?
405 at National off ramp
Spider inside front driver headlight
Why does dating in LA suck so bad?
What restaurants do you miss?
Gas gauge fills up then stops here (started after recall)
Someone drilled a hole in my tundra gas tank and idk what to do?
Are giphys not showing up on a story post(not a reel or video) despite editing them there?
Which beach in Southern California is the most scenic/beautiful in your opinion?
Why do all apartments seemingly force you to have housemates?
Seeding Marbles
Thoughts on the MK8.5 IPAD? Can you swap it for the MK8 screen?
Well you're at the right place
How are you dealing with the air quality?
Dating apps are pretty much dead now, how to meet someone in LA?
Highest elevation for group picnic that's drivable?
Watched a busted up boat wash ashore at Toes Beach today