If a girl stopped responding to your messages try this..
[eBook] - "How to Date Any Girl" (FREE for limited time)
The Proximity Principle: Unless you are consistently interacting with women, don't expect them to magically show up in your life!
The Proximity Principle - Unless you are consistently interacting with women, don't expect them to magically show up in your life!
Most people play not to lose instead of playing to win. They hold back in conversation out of fear of saying the wrong thing. When in reality a bit of a polarizing personality makes you much more attractive!
More important than a woman's reaction to you is YOUR REACTION to their reaction!
9 tips for improving your conversation and social skills!
It's not that 'nice guys' finish last, it's men who only act nice as a result of them being too weak to stand up for themselves or their beliefs that will lack success!
You attract what you are. Become the type of person that you want to be with!
It's completely normal and OK to suck at first when learning anything new - social skills are no different!
Show, Don't Tell. The Key to Creating Attraction!
When you accept a flaw and remain confident despite it, more attraction and/or respect can be generated than if you lacked the so called flaw altogether!
The easiest way to prevent neediness is to actually have enough of a full and interesting life that you are not making another person your sole focus!
Don't try to impress but instead EXPRESS. Express your true self and let the other person get to know the real you!
You can never be rejected if you define success as giving the other person the opportunity to get to know you!