I can say Korean Fans are eating good this year.
which rider had the best new form years after their series ended?
So… this is a weird question but…. Does (spoiler) actually have a personality?
I love this character for a bit of a strange reason.
Ep7 of the Korean Dub of Ultra Galaxy Fight:The Absolute Conspiracy. This episode is the OFFICIAL DEBUT EPISODE of the Korean voices for the Tri Squad.
I don’t care, this is the best villain character ever, I will not be arguing. Thank you, have a great day.
Fun fact about these three.
Since these two weapons have a LOT of similarities, let me ask the question, which of these two do you think is more useful in combat?
Gaim’s biggest criticism.
Since we had a few battle royal type things in Kamen Rider, let’s ask the ultimate question: who’s the best Game Master?
Y-Yo, Kouta, Are You Okay?
So um, in my head this could be a debate if you really think about it, so….. which of these Two Universal threats is more dangerous?
Which God Has The Best Drip
Fun fact about 80
Tsumuri: What the fu—-?
Shin Chan is (sort of) collaborating with KingOhger(emphasis on ‘sort of’) (btw, this is only in Korean Stores)
Choose wisely.
The Teaser Trailer for the Full Korean Dub Of Ultraman Z.
F to Taiga….
Me being an Idiot and trying to explain every new dopants from fuuto pi: part 1
This is so cute.
……..should I be scared?
Which form of Aruto is more dangerous? (Not on how dangerous it is to Aruto himself, but as how dangerous it is as a fighter.)
New images for (Spoiler) and 2 new forms of (spoiler) (Gavv Spoilers)