Ich kann keine Freude und Emotionen mehr verspüren. AmA
No sex or romance...
Ich organisiere pro-palästinensische Demos & Veranstaltungen – AMA!
Have seen multiple people comment that sleep deprivation gives them some relief from anhedonia. I feel like shit!
Weinen und Antidepressiva
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Wöchentlicher Post: Was beschäftigt euch gerade?
Psychedelic blockage
Do you believe in god?
I finally felt something
Is anhedonia a severe condition like mine where you can't feel emotions?
Ist jemand von euch bestätigt hochbegabt?
Goals, aspirations and falling in love with someone now down the toilet?
Orgasmic anhedonia. Any men out there with this symptom?
How many languages do you speak ?
Which dose for a first timer?
I have Musical anhedonia AMA
What Led You to Islam?
Anyone want to chat?
Bin Fluglotse AmA:)
How I envision my remission day
Does this hell ever get better?
Can enjoy music again
Do you guys still do hobbies even if you don't enjoy them
What comes to your mind if you think about Germany ?