Questioning the advice to save up for an emergency fund instead of paying down interest-bearing debt
What are you guys saving for?
What's wrong with my cat?
Halfway through the month!
women over 30, what did you learn from your 20s that you wish you learned earlier?
I was stressed over my $400k loans and now I don't care. Anyone else hoping the parties fight to the death on this and we stay on SAVE for another 5 years?
Growing up in the 80s familiar items
With the effects of the 2/28 Economic Blackout—the April Economic Boycott has been slightly changed
I Fell a sleep at the hospital parking lot after i got discharged and this handsome gentleman decided to join the slumber in the hood of my car.
How have YOU, specifically, cultivated the life you want on a micro level?
How do you keep up a skincare routine?
Childless women aged 50+, do you regret not having children?
What's your hobby at the moment?
Preventing this from becoming another AWO30
Does anyone else fill an online shopping cart and then just not buy?
100 Gen Family Tree ✨
How to handle reimbursements for a previous month?
Taylor workout
For those of you who made best friends in your 30s, how did you meet them? And how did the friendship progress?
What is a ‘tiny trauma’ of yours?
No matter how tired you are, what is the one thing you ALWAYS do before bed?
Left out at work for not having kids
How is your spending going?