Now that the new Dock MKs have been out for a little while, what are your thoughts on the content?
I’m down horrendous for some of the absolute WORST fictional men 💕❤️ (TW for some bloody / gory characters)
Who (in your opinion) is the best antagonist in the Outlast franchise?
Which Souls game has your favorite NPCs?
Would you rather, only able to give oral, or only able to receive oral?
Do you think most people look good wearing glasses?
Hot weather or cold?
Favorite Nioh 1 Element
How do we feel about the pc wall paper:)
Do you think I’m safe from pedophiles because I’m too old for them?
Yes it's me.
This is so peak 😮💨🙏
i just wish i was normal
Average interaction between me and my childhood friend:
dbd killers that could work in trials
What game have you bought more than once?
why the water on hard rain lowkey looks like someone had explosive diarrhea?
Can infected reproduce?
Franco drawing made by me
Which is the scariest leviathan?
i love persona
what's your favorite video game
Teen boys of reddit: Would you date a girl with blue hair?
Does personality actually matter more than looks? (in guys)
Those reddit creeps can't reply to the posts but can start a dm🤓