Personal links dump
Making spirals out of concentric squares with changeable angle
This is Kalb-Sayaad, an Overwatch Hero I designed.
Blizzard doesn't reward cosmetics for achievements, so I decided to reward myself with this cardback. F2P BTW
Like not all of them but it’s kinda true
Do y’all remember the brief mage meta last year?
Some rather disturbing implications have emerged from closer examination of the eyes of the Final Boss of MH Wilds that pretty much confirm what everyone suspected.
this really isn‘t the place for that
New Card revealed: Gaslight Gatekeeper
Anyone ever had this bug...? Getting sent into pubs when I was loading for Mixtape
Gunfight then died in circle . Should I have went (left or right )?
Trashtalking > being helpful
Whale oil tanks have a mind of their own.
Couscous river (not my work!)
I love this game
“Play 3 Strikes,” they said. “It’ll be fun,” they said
Is there a way to search for a playlist in my channel/ other peoples channels?
Peek vantage gameplay
mark better than me this how i would’ve reacted if i had seen eve crying like that at rex’s funeral 😭😭😭😭😭
New Meme Format???
Knows nothing about Moroccan history as a Moroccan
23 Nerfs are coming next week, with Patch 32.0
Angstrom had brain damage. Posts pointing out logical failures as plot holes makes no sense.
Probably the most cinematic Gore Magala kill of all time
I need help from Dishonored players (player survey)