Can't remember the name of this kind of wall fastener
Do any of you also have tinnitus?
Do any of you also have dry eyes?
It’s difficult to believe we are even the same species as people like this.
Does everyone hate their jobs?
In you opinion, who doesn't need makeup to look absolutely gorgeous?
Why is my Miebo prescription weird?
So…how do you *actually* become more fuckable?
24F long story but cured in ~6 months
Men, how important is a woman's weight when deciding who to date?
What percentage of people with dry eye have the disease progress to a stage where it significantly interferes with their quality of life?
Part 4 - Not all the time does fillers and plastic surgery makes someone look good
What’s the biggest physical turnoff in a woman?
Need help remembering a brand name...
What is it about this silhouette / proportions I find so attractive?
Constructing a home in record time.
Guys , What hair color do you prefer on women?
How old is everyone?
What kind of dry eye do I have?
DIY Susan Shore Device, a working treatment to objectively lower tinnitus volume.
Luigi Gets His First Product Endorsement
Are there really only two types of people with tinnitus?
New Illinois law replaces the term ‘offender’ with ‘justice impacted individuals’ in Illinois Crime Reduction Act.