Thoughts on the top 10
How come all the Kryptonians that come to earth suddenly know all their powers but Clark can't even fly?
Curious, favorite season exclusive character?
It was a damn shame that they could not give Clark some actual time with jor-el in season 9 before they killed him off.
Any link to Prometheus Chaos Edition and Alien Covenant Evanus? (Or any alternatives)
Best The Dark Knight Rises edit?
Whats kind of your odd tinfoil hat theory about the actors characters in smallville
Tenth season was a back to back banger
Least favorite episodes
Chloe in Season 8...
I think we can all agree on one thing: Martha was the best character on the show
Watching X-Men 97 got me thinking about what the Smallville Animated Revival could be like (might look like a random comparison but trust me)
Anyone find lex and Lana weird?
Lana’s arc in S4 is really under appreciated
When should Clana have TRULY ended...?
Any charactes you think were improved by Smallville's portrayal?
Why S6 and S7 should’ve been combined into one season - Question on what episodes should go
Incorporating the Obi-Wan vs. Anakin TCW fan remake into a ROTS/SoM edit
Favourite and least favourite Smallville seasons?
Another Star Wars Sequels Edit - TFA and TLJ Duology
Is it a good idea to start at Season 4?
Which fake death(s) you wished to be true?
S6 and S7 should have been combined
How I would improve each Smallville season