Servers are currently run by hamsters
Deadzone settings debate
Wtf am isuposed to do?
All of you guys are better than me at this game I swear to god
so what must we do now ?
Advice for a returning player gittin gud?
This is unplayable
Czy jestem dziadem, jeśli uważam że dobra luksusowe to scam?
Pre-Nerf Superi was something else
Teammates horrible, Enemies Pros.
Just deleted the game
When I panic, I press random buttons, but this time it worked 😅
Worth coming back?
New movement is not fun for me. Mw3>Bo6 and i am guy who can do shit like that: streamer fov
CyberSecurity Path - HackerU course vs TryHackMe or maybe something else? HELP :D