Just home from school, should i shave or keep the bush, barely 18 hs
Ranked joust coming to smite 2?
Post your rooks
Driving car with Canadian plates in Seattle
Cheers y'all 🍻
Audio gone?
Players… Please read.
I'm going to feel like an idiot if it doesn't hail. 😂
Thinking of abandoning
Basketball players standing next to cheerleaders
Storm - Thunder at 2:10 pm
Not allowed to flush toilet paper
God damn right you restore my comment TikTok
How am I meant to choose?!
I'm never leaving Seattle
What are you hoping for the most?
This game is making me go backwards…
Why do quinari have gems in their horns?
High visibility
Should I do a warrior build?
Should I buy? Need advice around a specific personal issue I'm worried about
U like my bulge? 😈
Its unfair how social media treated this game.
What do you guys think of a SZA as Storm casting ?