Clean T480
Windows Server
ID Please
Let's see if this way to apply will work...
Warum ist die Titanic dem Eisberg nicht ausgewichen?
My first ThinkPad (X260)
i think this is one of my favourite pics of me ever ,, does anyone wanna try and draw it ?
1 or 2 times a day
Brauche ich neue Reifen?
4 months progress, 19Y
Is this the right one?(GERMANY)
Am I balding
What does this button do?
11 months in
Eine heiße Pfanne ist heiß
Mein Erstwagen was sagt ihr?
How to remove this button?
My only impulse tattoo
BUTTCOIN .. The Cult is Born
Will ihn irgendwer drauf hinweisen was das Tattoo der Dame bedeutet? ♠️💀
If you could name the first City on Mars, what would you name it?
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