drake the type to selfpost on this sub
drake the type of corny ass to use his oc as a reaction ima- oh shit that's me
Drake the type of guy to do this when told to "go fuck yourself"
Would you hug her for 0.26839627522517636229525818638 rubles?
For those with depression
What's the funniest chat images you have?
drake the type to have the camera hole thing whatever zoom in onto his face at the end of an event
Would you sleep on this pillow for a million dollars?
Who wins?
Drake the type to post this and flair it as wholesome
Let’s step away from his music now how do you think Kanye pees
Would you open the box for 3 Mexican pesos?
What's Ye defense wit dis?
What would you do in this situation?
Genuinely tired of this shit
Drake the type of guy to reply with this image when someone asks him about Kendrick
drake the type to have a hemorrhoid pop when he's shopping, and go to have his buttplug removed at the hospital, but gets so hard he start fisting himself and bleeds out on the floor.
Drake the type to be this delusional
Skinamp Problems :(
My birthday
Drake the type to post this kind of shit in big 2025
Drake the type of obsessed fan to make this zesty ahh comment on someone like Taylor Swift or Nicki Minaj
Can Someone PLEASE give me the file name for the boombox Peppino uses while breakdancing
What’s something a bot said to you that got you looking like this?: