How much does a season of OA cost?
Smell sensitivity
Do meds make you sleepy?
Looking for a show with about 3 seasons (or more) that’s centered around a group, anyone want to help? (References in thread)
If you could only watch one show for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I can’t remember to drink water
What have you guys found that actually helps you keep a schedule??
"Do I really have ADHD??"
Looking for a series like The White Lotus and From
I am truly obsessed with hot yoga (bikram) and I'm not sure why but it's really helping me
Do you remember teachers being nasty to you?
Scent advice
Cause of flare ups?
We finally budgeted for a house cleaner...
Songs that sound like they're from a musical (but aren't)
What have been some of your food hyperfixations?
How do you exercise?
What is everyone watching?
Vocal stimulation? Do you do this?
Some thoughts if you like to use 🍃
What’s your top 5 tv shows?
What’s the darkest tv show you can think of?
What's your weirdest/most unique sensory issue?
Part of executive dysfunction or something forgetting to eat earlier then being too tired to make food?
I want to start weening off weed/dabs