What happened to Sabretruppe?
Didn't get a superevent or whatever is meant to happen after the 1EW
What do you think and What should I draw next?
Wth is this picture?
Playing every RF country without a focus tree #49 & #50: Mexican Republic and United Mexican States
Merch is still available so go get it before scalpers try to fuck you in the ass
Any way to play on mac?
New patches
Official Unofficial Judgement Day Iceberg - lore of it goes back to November 2021.
Me and gang
Another Fruit Rollup edit
Symbols of Great Power
Can you go reactionary as Poland?
Kressenkaiser — My Love (BMSS SYNTH COVER)
Traditionnalistic Slavic Paths
Only analogue is real.
Your favourite song?
Baby yuri (me)
Göring and Willy’s wild ride through Europa.
What ideology is this? 🤔
Black reing of Italy/black order of Italy/ fascist Kingdom of Italy (if Mussolini proclamed imself king and not DVCE)
i get on a plane in 2 hours, tell me what to play
The Wizar'd-Evil in my Heart!
What is this flag?