El Argentino más hetero: Bancan?
La broma caribeña menos alegre en Colombia
Is it funny?
Should LATAM take advantage of the brain drain the US is having right now?
He can't keep getting away with it!
What do you think about the trend in the Southern Cone of using the term “caribeño” in a derogatory way, particularly when referring to Venezuelan migrants?
Un clásico de R.D
How has the Haitian diaspora contributed to your economy and culture?
Is there any rivalry or hostility between 2 Latin American countries that is taken really seriously by both sides?
Dominicana 2026?
One thing from your culture/country that is hard to explain to a foreigner?
What’s a movie from your country that is so bad that it’s hilarious?
Which European ethnic group (besides your colonizers) has had the largest impact on your country?
Is there some sort of "hierarchy" of prestige regarding the Spanish accents?
What are some must see movies from your country?
¿Argentina, por qué dejaron ir a unos de sus exiliados?
Un man se disfrazó de Adolf en la guacherna del carnaval de Barranquilla
Las 5 grandes civilizaciones de América: 🍆lusos 💟 cono sur 🟡bolitalandia🟦mexichangos 🍊caribe
Least lucky brazillian
Busco Programador Java
Para No-Dominicanos: Si le ponen una pistola en la cabeza y le dicen que transcriban esta entrevista, sobreviven? O no es difícil de entender?
Do you personally consider Haitians to be Latinos ?
Solo vine a dejar esto por aquí. Son libres de matarse por cual es el menos tercermundista.
esto es verdade?
How will the lusobros recover from this? 😔🇵🇹🇧🇷
Killer Queen Has Already Touched That Doorknob
Los Dominicanos en Chile