Im a new player using a strength/faith build but I need a new weapon
Need a good Spellblade melee weapon
Advice for a poison build?
What are some good builds for ng+7 and DLC?
Any adjustments for this moonveil build to beat Malenia?
My “in the name of bonk” ng+ build
Need help with my great club build
What weapons do y’all think would fit my stat spread?
What’s a good weapon for holy build?
What are we looking at boys?
Ps5 still need help for malenia
[ps5] ng+ 2 malenia
[ps5] problems with co-op
Weapon Level 0 Build
Parry Misèricorde build
what should i do now?
How Can I Improve My Build?
It just keep getting worse
[ps5] malenia
Ps5 need help with maliketh please
Rate me and how can I improve?
[ps5] Malenia
My top 5 BEST seasons. What do you think? ( No, im not new gen)
Help to connect accounts