Who would win?
How the FUCK does she do hero work in the winter??
The addiction continues
What’s the biggest shipping in anime, that’s pure cope
Which one of you….
Almost $1000 for a loose Goku in a plastic shell… eBay sellers man
After all these years I finally have them all
He's had enough of the alarm...
How cooked are you?
The MHA universe has been drafted into a tournament of Power type of tournament against other MHA like universes. You are tasked with create the team. What 10 characters are you picking?
What have I done
I jus FUCKED this new character I found, she says that I am the best she ever had. What is the name of this beautiful woman I now have?!?!
Who's your favorite character with green hair?
The Chinese Disney princess who saved all of China, Mulan, has won for M, who’s the greatest female cartoon character whose name start with N?
Which show has more complains about their animation?
Terror of Mechagodzilla has turned 50
Post your last saved Image Related to JJK
If you love and know dragon balls who are they
Favorite sacrifice?
What is your last saved image?
Is there any news on this guy?
Finally someone beats Goku
What is Goku for you? A tribute to a year without Toriyama (+Bônus)
No-Stupid-Questions Monday