Fungal issue? What’s wrong?
rhaphidophora tetrasperma help
in your experience, do curtisii actually hate water on their leaves?
Pink leaves
Monstera Plant
I'm moving soon. I made gifts for everyone that I'm going to miss.
which hoya is this? & what is a fair price because this was almost $40. also post pics of yours if you have one
Listening to every Ween album for the first time – and reviewing them – #3: Pure Guava
is this a maculata? the leaves look a little light to be a maculata but maybe its just young?
for those of you wanting to see my mother in law's thrips infested peace lily
at my mother in laws and im inspecting her plants. what are these & what do i do about it?
My project calls for 3 ply acrylic. Anyone have any idea if that means yarn?
Why grow one peduncle?
First macrame project!
Is my cooperi reaching for light? is this normal growth for a cooperi?
double decker plant hanger i just finished
My latest project
Material questions
She Got Me Into Ween
Hoya Burtoniae: Trellis or trail?
Price worth it?
Are these good prices for these hoyas? Prices on the pictures. I'm new to hoyas, so I'm not sure if these are priced well or if they're too expensive for what I'm getting. I'm in Northern Nevada in case location matters.
Hoya Burtoniae is taking full advantage of the mid-shelving chasm.
Are mathilde sensitive to bright light?
Repot or leave as is?