I hate that people report great & funny usernames
Apparently, if you have Lord proficiency in a character, you're no longer allowed to use it in quick play.
12 loss streak, deranked Plat 1 to Gold in 2 days, what's happened?
pls help!!! IS THIS NORMAL? are my cats fighting?? Should i separate them?
In your opinion who is the better vanguard. Thor or Cap
What's a hero that's great, but doesn't need to be nerfed?
They should rework Wolverine
What characters need some nerfs?
If this is true, what crossovers would you like to see?
Opinions on etiquette for spamming "need healing" pings?
Forget About your Mains or Favorites... Which Hero You Think You'll Never Play
Solo Queued to Celestial with Mostly Cap with 69.2% winrate - 30 year old boomer - it can be done
What trades are better for work-life balance, sacrificing some pay?
Diamond is a lot more unenjoyable with the teammates than gold and even platinum
Why's everyone asking for a rank reset now?
What hero do you hate having on YOUR team?
Just made it to diamond, should I turn on voice chat?
To you instalock duelists
How do you guys deal with having so many pops do you regret buying do many?
Why do people stay in invisible woman’s ult
What happened to the game I love
Top 64 character representation in Cavalier Clash 6
Why are the Devs so scared about making Cap good?
As a healer how do I survive thor+venom+spider+black panther?
Watch out for player
What union would you try getting into if you were looking to join one and why?