New lane swap system ruins soloque
Tear start midlane; I know its bad but I cant help it.
Seeking advice for voli top, many questions below
You guys ever go Berserker Greaves and Hull Breaker?
does sion needs to help in teamfights????
Lethality Sion Jungle is so back
Followed some advice and bought headphones + inline microphone, everything's great, but what can I do for side-tone?
r/headphones Shopping, Setup, and Technical Help Desk
Extreme side effects from only 20mg
Am I missing something or is the cashback rune missing?
inting sion ad sion
Elecfox Giveaway Day 2 – 3x LINKY 87 + 20% OFF All Switches!
Will there be be a restock of LR Merch ?
What in-game inconsistency bothers you the most?
I want to play as a group, but I'm struggling to find people to play with
Progress on my 80 farms challenge. What more farms should I add to the list?
What's the saddest Cage The Elephant song
What isn't necessarily OP but just feels bad?
Sion Jungle vs Top Stacks: A clear winner?
I love this game (is this a known thing or?)
question about builds(runes,summ. spells) for certain machups
Can I get banned for conceding instantly ?
Fat damage (40k sunfire, 41k unending, 3,7k heartsteel etc)
Anybody seen a lower % loss?
[EUW] Reached Plat 4 with Sion Jungle