What is the error, I noticed that it didn’t graph the equation but also didn’t flag any errors?
It's true though [OC]
Xin xi best start
Is this card a little strong?
What happend with him?
Losercity Fact
Choose a meal
The math book from my school is a bit different
Anyone else find lone centipede butts? lol
Supercell whenever I have a 2 wins win-streak
That was fast
Losercity Name
Oh god
This has got to be the best mining spawn
Worst thing Mojang has added in a while.
Absolutely insane 😩
I love dad jokes and Star Wars. But this one, I don’t get.
Aquarion vs Elyrion
Tesla owners rebrand their vehicles to distance themselves from Trump
Can I sue??
Drop some sick beats below
"Gross, but, go on..." -- This Subreddit, probably.
Finally 3 starred all tribes in domination.
Why is my game doing this?