First Anti-Immigrant Experience
Today an 89 y.o. patient told me "thank you that you are here (in Germany)".
For foreigners in Germany, is the Ausländerbehörde a relevant factor when choosing accommodation?
Do expats in Germany or Germans living about learn the language more easily than others?
My (28F) brother (30M) is completely indoctrinated: how to deal?
of a neck.
My crush list
How can I stop being jealous of pretty women?
I think misogynist women scare me more than misogynist men. How it’s possible to hate your own gender that much
A recent-ish (last few years) realization about negative self talk
Breaking Past Toxic Patterns
Can people stop shipping Asirpa and Sugimoto
Now that I am long out of the cage, this is exactly how I felt
Has anyone ever heard an answer to these two questions that isn't contradictory?
Does Muhammad Hijab have a point about the Christian Trinity not making sense?
For those who used to be religious, why are you atheists now?
I'm 29F and my long-term partner (29M) is creating AI porn with unsuspecting women he knows in real life. I'm trying to understand if most men are doing this?
This is so sad...
Handmaid's tale... this guy believes the antagonists were actually the good guys.
Okay that's it, islamophobia should be normalized
PSA for Christians who lurk here: your rhetoric on the treatment of women is the same as Islam’s just done in a thoughts and prayers way 🙏🏼
Has anyone here had experience dating a Muslim guy?
when it comes to dating or friendships, is christianity a dealbreaker for you?
Don’t worry guys Aishah chose him as a kid 🤢
Were you happier and more optimistic as a religious person?