This subreddit has a problem (Serious).
Tying rewards to Clogging is a bad idea.
Shout out to the dude who offered to upgrade my gear if I got a firecape! I finally did it!
New Reward Suggestion: Give us back the coolest looking offhand in the game! (It was deleted AFTER it passed the polls with over 80% support.)
Inferno getting easier
Sepulchre vs. Ardy Rooftops
The correct elemental spell should always 1 hit kill the new boss minions.
deathpile disappeared 02-05-2025 HELP
Who Has Died The Most In Film?
Why cant you loot both of the new Titan bosses solo?
Small freezes lately?
Fire gians spotted in f2p Karamja Volcano after new update
The Arcane Sigil is limiting the mage off-hand space.
Delve Boss needs to be delayed
What is the problem?
Higher membership prices, more server downtime.
Sang Staff Worth the Investment?
First time Inferno Tips
They will release the delve boss with these rewards.
It looks like Jagex is ignoring their Polling Charter for Osto-Ayak.
Improved Rewards for new Delve Boss - Fast Hitting Mage Weapon, Farmable Fragments, Minimum Hit Passive
Bounty Hunter Changes, Collection Log Updates & Emote Improvements
Huh... This isn't so bad
Justiciar turns out to be better kills per hour at Vardorvis than Bandos, considering the healing from his damage dealt and the trip length
Fan theory: Season 2 games, the Billionaires were betting on Guards vs Players (rather than who wins)