found in the wild on e621 this is brimstone to top all brimstone so brimmy that it catchs fire when exposed to water
socialists (the main demographic of the game in my experience) after you tell them they committed a capitalism after they bought night in the woods (they are sad because you pointed out the hypocrisy of buying a game made for both fun and money)
Maga x Swirly angst yaoi comic #5
Changed MFs be like
People of Reddit who hate moxie why do you hate it and what are your other opinions of the caramel colored orange branded soft drink made with gentian root?
Why doesn’t Bae Eat Mae? Are these anthropomorphic animals in this universe civilized like humans? Do they repress there natural urges? or is it just video game logic?
Would you rather have femtanyl music blaring in your ears for the rest of your life or listen to 300 year old british isles marching music for the rest of the month?
Beware Mercari Scammer
Please don't key visiting Canadians' cars
Yukon Population Count
Mfw I tell someone I don’t like fentanyl and they say “dude just dive into it deeper try to understand the deep and impactful lyrics” (I tryed doing that but the music is so damm loud I can’t here the vocals on some of the songs)
what the fuggler
Are Dr martins as bad as people make them out to be?
They’re targeting gamers… gamers…
Is this too political
What do y’all think of zman nowadays?
Trans right human rights!! the trans woman:
Bros onto nothing 💀💀
Is Gordon freemen a hero an anti hero a Morally grey or a villain ?
Western movie trying to be quirky and not like the other guys come off as god awfully cringe such as this one unfortunately (the movie in question is Lookouts on itch io)
Is there any plans at youtooz HQ or is currently a Robert e lee youtooz or any youtooz relating to a confederate general?
Raven mains after saying “eagle is a evil and morally grey oligarchy that needs to be toppled with a rebellion” after I send in a platoon of special forces to there location to light them up (there burning for there equally horrific actions)
A game called PirateFi released on Steam last week and it contained malware. Valve have removed the game two days ago. Users that played the game have received the following email:
Night in the woods Mfs deadass said to my face “you can’t compare both of them and say the funny zombie game is better NITW better lil bro” heres how there wrong