What would you like to see in the game the most?
Talk to me about SCO
How many of us actually use auto dock?
If this is true they might be back
[DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!
The commodity what the system map calls "Heliostatic Furnaces" (and cannot be found anywhere) are in fact Microbial furnaces in-game. It is a required component of certain settlements.
Surface Port under construction
Ice Asteroid in Ice Asteroid Base (glitch)
its done!
Halfway there
Current situation with colonization ✨️
How to get back into the game?
Coming back
Idle limpets now fly in a circle
Type-9 colonization build?
Attempting exobiology is driving me insane!
Need help with budget pc
What time on Wednesday can we expect the update
First, First Footfall!
Where are the destroyers????
Python The best ship in the game?
The Universe Saddens Me
Want to help expand the bubble but don't know where to start? The Sidewinder Syndicate has got you covered!