MfF - Frank Pasqua ; Penpal Request
Books/videos on Wild Bill Cutolo?
Tony doesn’t love Chris post sobriety, he resents him
What events made Tony’s family lose respect for him?
After tony whos is the next main character
Gym Anxiety
I just finished the show for the first time
Christopher would have been better off not being a made guy.
What are your favorite sales tools?
Tony Soprano is not a sociopath.
I rewatched the whole show with my bf who had never seen it and he said the ending was “crap”
What’s something from the 2000s you miss?
Fuck Marry kill. Who are you taking?
thoughts on pussy's death? /srs
Who would you cast as a young Ralphie in a prequel
Every Post in this sub breaks out into a quoting frenzy 😂
It cannot be less clear that New York killed Tony
Should Vito have shot and killed the owner of the Bed and Breakfast?
$2,000 education stipend
What's the craziest thing to happen you witnessed during a meeting?
Is it worth taking AOW course at a destination?
What do celebrities do in their free time?
UPDATE: My colleague said something fu***d up and I don’t know what to do.
First liveaboard, any lessons to consider?
Richie Aprile Was an Idiot