My cd player keeps saying "No" does anyone know why?
I bought this two years ago from an elderly Hungarian former radio host. He acquired it in the ‘90s but never played it, so it’s still in mint condition. What do you think?
What are the best bass lines in hip hop
Recorded this fight and shit was crazy
Best hook with scratching/chopping thats not DJ premier?
Proud to own these ones
Who are some producers that were one hit wonders?
Can you name everyone that is on the album cover (background)
rappers who's music aged really well? and also who's hasnt?
Name an Album more gangsta than this classic CD right here. I'll wait...
What is your favorite pair of opening and closing track on the same album?
What could possibly have happened-
Camp Lo - Uptown Saturday Night
What y'all think of P.M Dawn
I need album suggestions
2 of my favorite West Coast albums from the 90s. WC & the MAAD Circle - Ain't A Damn Thang Changed (1991) and Curb Servin (1995)
South Central Cartel
Cant get any harder than this, pick 2 albums you would tell a teenager they would have to listen to to initiate him to 90s hip hop
Pandora is the only streaming service with The Symphony?
Some New Additions
What are examples of rappers finally making the album they were always destined to make?
Who are some 80s Lyricists That Could Rhyme Their Asses Off?
Been buying tons of cds lately, these are the ones i haven’t heard yet that I’m meaning to: convince me to listen to your favorite one (photo of a stack of my favorites included for reference)
Which "Part 2" Hip-Hop album do you like the most?
Swipe to see some of the worst album covers ever. Add yours in the comments if you have any that aren't pictured here