NGL i Want this game😍
Finally. İ get rdr 2😍
GTA's changes over 4 years
He hears eveytime
How can i beat him. Pls help🙏
Bro cant pay taxes😭
Catch that damn train Cj
How? 😭🙏
Do I buy the gear or try and grind for the diamond
When you're 8 and your parents aren't home
wow just in 2 days
Klassic liu kang
Never seen this before
Dragon Krystal packs + free mk1 card
First ever tower I finished 🙏
I just opened one pack and got this
Day numbo 1226 and maxed my 46th diamond (and maxed my sf team) thank you for the cassie strike force pack
Final reward of the normal edenian tower. Huge waste of time. Just stick to krypts and never touches normal towers man, trust me. is not worth if. Maybe fatal towers, there is room to negogiate but not normal
This happen to anyone?
Most satisfying moment
Fatal Edenian Tower 200
How I got my MK11 Scorpion from fusion3 to fusion6 (with lucky Beginners Summon pack opening)
I just beat my first tower on my 30 day old account completely free to play. The reward is trash but im still happy!