My baby ... He deserves what he wants.. this little dude has never bit me and I love him so much
Hammy!!! My lil old boy
My girlfriend got a hammer today and I hate him. What the fuck should she name him
Finally figured out how my hamster keeps escaping her new cage
Name suggestions?
Hammy and his sour cream
My hamster has arthritis and a broken pelvis
Escape from his home
Goodnight Otis ❤️
How is this colouration called?
Everyone say hi to General Gustaf Wagner Von Lichtenstein!
Salad time! He dug in so fast lol. Happy boi afterwards #myheart
Anyone else use these vibrating paper towel tubes?
Reading is fundamental
feel bad to waste this hamster food,
Why is my hamster making this noise?
what name comes to your mind for this hamster
found this cutie at the shelter
Is there a way to get my hamster to warm up to me?
I painted our hamster Daisy
Sleepy boy
My lil ole man waking up to his cucumber
Post scary pics of your hamsters